Community Employment Options
Community Employment Options (CEO) helps Virginia Beach residents diagnosed with intellectual and behavioral health disabilities find meaningful remunerative jobs.
Community Employment Options (CEO) helps Virginia Beach residents diagnosed with intellectual and behavioral health disabilities find meaningful remunerative jobs.
CEO services enhance community integration through placement in group or individual employment that increase their earning power, enhance their self-image, and create a sense of pride in their achievements.
Supported Employment Services assist your family members to develop potential as productive members of society. Through the assistance and support provided by employment specialists, persons with disabilities gain access to a variety of businesses that are in search of dependable employees and are willing to give opportunities to a labor pool of eager, motivated workers.
Employment specialists also assist families in many areas of concern, such as:
Businesses that have hired persons with disabilities overwhelmingly report a high degree of satisfaction with their performance, dependability, and dedication to their jobs. One of the most attractive features of this mostly untapped labor pool is their excellent job retention rate. In a job market characterized by high worker mobility, businesses are often faced with the high cost of advertising, recruiting, and training new employees.
Utilizing CEO services yields immediate benefits to a business by cutting down on recruitment costs, as our staff bring in qualified, pre-screened job candidates, matched to the positions the business needs to fill. Take time to view our video to hear what business are saying about CEO services.
Business also benefit from:
The Developmental Services Community Employment Options program is CARF certified.