Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP is designed to reduce hunger and increase food security by providing supplemental financial assistance to eligible individuals and families who need help with buying nutritious food.
SNAP is designed to reduce hunger and increase food security by providing supplemental financial assistance to eligible individuals and families who need help with buying nutritious food.
SNAP funds can be used by recipients like cash to buy eligible food items from authorized retailers. Authorized retailers will display either the Quest logo or a picture of a Virginia EBT card.
To learn more about SNAP, please visit the Virginia Department of Social Services website. For additional information, please call the Customer Contact Center at (757) 385-4306.
SNAP recipients should take steps to protect themselves from criminals who may attempt to steal your EBT card number and/or PIN. The Virginia Department of Social Services unable to replace stolen funds when scams occur.
Please review the Virginia Department of Social Services webpage for best practices to keep your card information secure and what steps to take if you believe your information has been compromised.
You can apply for SNAP benefits at the Department of Human Services.
There are 3 steps:
Applications are accepted at any time in person, electronically or by mail. No interviews are required at this time.
If all interview slots are filled or you cannot stay for your interview, you have the option to complete and leave a signed and dated application with us. If applying for SNAP or TANF, you may need to return another day to complete the application interview process; an appointment day and time will be scheduled for you.
If applying for TANF or General Relief, the application is also considered for SNAP benefits.
If you are age 18 to 50 and able to work, you may be subject to a work requirement in order to receive SNAP.
You may be exempt from this work requirement if you are currently working or participating in an approved work program; responsible for the care of a child; pregnant; medically certified as unable to work; or meet one of several work registration exemption reasons or live in an exempt locality.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits are issued by way of Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT). You will receive a card which works at the grocery store like a debit card.
The benefits are deposited into an account which is accessed via the credit card/debit card machine at the check-out line in the grocery store. After the SNAP card holder swipes the card and enters a personal identification number (PIN), the amount of the purchase is deducted from the account.
The SNAP card holder receives a receipt showing the amount of the purchase and the balance on the account. An authorized representatives for the SNAP card holder receives a separate card and has unlimited access to the account.
An authorized representative of a SNAP card holder will receive a separate card and has unlimited access to the account.
You can use the EBT card (or SNAP) to buy food or seeds and plants to grow food in your home garden. You cannot use SNAP to buy:
Call if:
(866) 281-2448
For more information, contact Jayne Scholl, (757) 385-3229
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAPET) is a voluntary program designed to assist SNAP participants in becoming self-sufficient.
For more information please (757) 385-3201
Priority services are given to those convicted of a recent or past misdemeanor or felony.
Additional requirements may be determined by your caseworker. Benefits are based on funding and distributed as needed.